Thank you darling daughter for helping your technological dinosaur mama enter the blogging world! I would not be here today without your kindness and patience.
Please come on in, the welcome mat is out and you’ll find me early morning or evening, by the lamp light. The hours in between are some of the happiest and craziest times with two darlin’ homeschooled teenagers and my dear husband, the Salesman, who also works out of our home. The Lord recently moved us from the hub of city living, to a simpler life in an area with not a single stop light.
I am so in love with Jesus – He has radically changed my life. I love to meet with Him in the still and quiet early morning lamp light. In the quiet times and in the crazy moments, He speaks. His Words strengthen and His Spirit encourages me in the pleasant daily routines and the many unknowns. His words shed Light and Truth on my pilgrim pathway. Praise His Name!
I pray that you know The Light and that His Lamp guides you along the way
May you seek Him personally and knit your relationship closer day by day
I love the Word – it is life and light to me
And, I pray, this will be a place that you too can see
That in your heart, The Light, wants to live, and rule and forever be.
Your blog is beautifully simple and elegant, just like YOU! I love it.
I could not think of a way to improve what you have begun. I say do what you feel comfortable doing. I love your picture post and all the things you saw in our natural created world. God is so evident is He not. AMAZING… I’ll be back, soon.
Lora, you have such a heart for God – it is so evident. He is so going to use you here. Once people begin to read your blog… Away you will go!
Thank you for stopping by Michelle! I appreciate your kind words.
Big hugs to you across the miles!