My friend MICHELLE at “Because I Love You” tagged me today with a game of “Six Random Things About Me!” So… Here are the rules as I choose to play along:
1) Link to the person who tagged you.
2) Post the rules on your blog (copy and paste 1-6).
3) Write 6 random things about yourself.
4) Tag 6 people at the end of your post and link to them.
5) Let each person know they have been tagged and leave a comment on their blog.
6) Let the tagger know when your entry is up.
1. My oldest teen got her driver’s permit today! It really seems like we just brought our dear bundle home from the hospital in her bonnet and booties. My, the years fly by. I guess I’ll have a chauffeur now! Home James! Except she’s a darlin’ young lady and I don’t quite see myself being comfortable with teaching driver’s ed from the back seat.
2. My dear husband says that I should be living on a farm because I get up so early in the morning. I have not always been an early bird. I remember my dear mother saying to me in high school, in her sweet southern drawl, “Now Lora, am I going to need to put your bed on the bus today?”
3. Oh, I’m a joyful noise maker. My dear, talented sister-in-law tells me things like:
“Your piano really needs to be tuned.”
“Your youngest has perfect pitch.”
So, just give me a tambourine. I can do the noise thing.
4. I enjoy organizing cabinets, closets, drawers, etc. I have so much fun when a friend asks me to help organize her kitchen. Serious fun. So if you lived next door to me, I’m certain you’d have your spices alphabetized and on a spin-a-bin.
5. We have not had a TV in our home going on five years now. We tend to have more conversations in our home these last few years. Which is probably why I feel like “I am so sorry, would you please forgive me?” is one of my most used phrases.
6. Bicycle riding is relaxing to me. And I’m not talking the spandex and a helmet riding kind. I’m more like Jessica Fletcher (when we had TV, I did my ironing around Murder She Wrote) with a European market basket on the front, ringing the little bell and waving at my neighbors. Yes, that kind of bicycle riding is very relaxing to me.
Here are my six tagged friends:
And if you’ve not been tagged and would like to share something random about yourself in the comments, please do so.
FUN STUFF! Love it! I’m about ready to chunk both our televisions — if not for the fact that my husband my actually leave me over that particular issue – I might.
Bicycle… I have a picture of you in my head riding your bike! Okay… So now that cheers me up.
I would tump the dern thing over for sure … So I will ride the stationary bike at the Rec until I can situate myself on a regular one. This is so much fun.
I wrote a sermon text with outline over at my blog today! It is 6… yes count them: 6 pages long.
Teenage driver–let the praying begin!!!
Lora–would you please come over and organize my pots and pans/cookie sheets/muffin tins/casseroles/etc. cupboard??
My youngest turns 16 next week. . . and of course the “driving” thingy will happen too. Just where does the time go? Seems like just yesterday I brought him home from the hospital!!
Much love,
Check out My Six Random Things on my blog.
We had four TV’s -living room, kitchen, basement and bedroom…can you say addicted? And did you say six pages, my oh my, I will have to stop by!
Luanne, I’ll be right over – what fun! First take everything out of the cabinets you want organized and decide what you do and don’t use. Get rid of what you don’t use. I’d love to help you!
Cheryl, you can be my witness that goes before and tells me how to pray in the teen driving arena. I am heading over to check out your randomness.
Thank you for stopping by my blog….I actually live in Mt. Holly…not far from Gastonia and I work in Dallas!! How great to meet you too!
If you have an email, I would love to hear from you. My email address is
Thanks! Oh, and good luck with the driving around with the teenager!! I remember when….
Oh Beth, we worshipped in Gastonia 2 weeks ago when we passed through. I will definately touch base with you via e-mail. Thank you kindly for coming by.
Hey, my driving won’t be THAT scary. Promise.
And Mama, you only tagged five people. 🙂
You’ll do a fabulous job of driving dear one! No doubt about it at all.
Thank you darlin’ teen, I can not count. I’m glad to know the homeschooling thing is working though. I did have five names written down on my to-do list. I am so sorry I left someone out. Would you consider editing all my posts before they publish?
Hi! It is such a pleasure to meet you! I knew your name looked familiar on my blog, but couldn’t remember from exactly where…now I know…Luanne’s! 🙂 I remember you telling her you would help her organize! I need major help there myself!
Congrats to your sweetie for getting her permit! I actually had to retake my written and driving test this year as I had let my license expire by 1 whole year! Gulp! Talk about humbling and nerve wracking!!!! 🙂 I passed, though…but I sure did study that book first! It had been a while! 🙂
And way to go on no TV for four years! WOW!
K 🙂