Oh, I’m so excited that it is time for BooMama’s Christmas Tour of Homes to start! Welcome to By the Lamp Light, I’m Lora and I’m delighted that you’ve stopped by on this wonderful wintery day. May I take your coat or wrap?

1 package Oreo cookies
1 8 ounce block of cream cheese, softened
24 ounces white chocolate almond bark, melted
12 ounces milk chocolate almond bark, melted
Crush 8-10 Oreo cookies at a time in the blender or food processor until they look like smooth crumbs. Once they are all crushed, place Oreo cookie crumbs into a mixer and add one package of softened cream cheese. Mix until well blended and no white is seen from the cream cheese.
Roll into small balls and place on a cookie sheet lined with wax paper. Freeze for 30minutes. Remove from freezer and using a candy spoon or a toothpick, dip balls into the melted white chocolate almond bark, place on wax paper until chocolate sets. You can dip them in the white chocolate bark again if you think they need another coating. Or just put the milk chocolate into a small Ziploc bag and snip off a very small corner and drizzle over the truffles. Enjoy!
Here is an upclose plate of truffles decorated by our youngest teen. Mmm… I always agree to be the taste tester when the teens are in the kitchen! While we’re in the dining room (and before you and I need to go start dinner) I’d so like to share a few more favorites with you. This lovely trio of angels from the 1960’s graces my antique desk that is in the corner of the dining room. It is where I do my Bible study, writing, and spend my early morning time with the Lord. Underneath the glass, I have favorite Christmas cards from previous years.
And on my desk in my pen and pencil cup is the most precious, pink cheeked, curly eyelashed little drummer boy made by a darlin’ teen whose once wee kindergarten hands brought her mama many treasures. I can say I’ve not seen any drummer boys that make me smile like this one does. Precious, precious memories.
And I’ve saved the best for last. If your family is like ours, we seem to congregate around the food and this buffet is in the center of our daily activity. This was my dear mother’s nativity set and my father’s hard working hands made the stable.
Thank you kindly for stopping by and I pray that your eyes have seen His salvation.
You have a beautiful home and I enjoyed visiting with you. Maybe one day soon Georgia and I can come for a visit when I visit my family in Morristown. 🙂
Merry Christmas!
What a beautiful tour of your home! The decorations are just beautiful and I love that large Bible with the photos!
I have no words for the oreo truffles! Well, except for YUMMY!
I love the artwork “My Eyes Have Seen My Salvation.” What a beautiful passage of Scripture. I loved touring…come visit me at my house (blog!)
Thanks for sharing! Wow! Can I get your teens over to my house sometime. They seem pretty amazing and make such delicious treats! Merry CHRISTmas to you and your beautiful family.
I love that you treasure those things handed down from one generation to another as well. Your home is beautiful and I loved hearing the stories behind so many things!
How wonderful that you have so many family heirlooms. That Bible is a treasure. And your daughter is quite the talented truffle decorator. Thanks for having me over! Merry Christmas!
Your home is beautiful. I loved seeing the pictures of your girls with the large bows, as my girls used to wear those too…the bigger the bow they happier they were. 🙂 Thanks for sharing your home.
Everything is beautiful! Thanks for sharing your home with all of us!
Beautiful picture! I like your vintage Christmas items!
Everything was so pretty, especially the snow on the holly picture:). Merry Christmas!
Beautiful! Love that nest! The picture of Simeon and the Christ child! And what a gorgeous Bible!!
The special effects lighted tree thrilled me too! A beautiful accident! Your home is lovely.
I had tears in my eyes as I “entered” your home and felt the sweet spirit of the Savior and your sweet spirit. What a beautiful home, a beautiful tour and a beautiful wintess of the true meaning of Christmas, our Savior.
Merry Christmas !
With Love,
Jaelle @ http://www.momtothreebabies.blogspot.com
Everything looks BEAUTIFUL! I love it! Thanks for letting us in!
Thank you, thank you, for a wonderful, meaningful tour. Merry Christmas and blessings to your family.
Thanks for sharing. It is beautiful and my husband will love the oreo recipe!
It all looks lovely! Thanks so much for the tour and the recipe (those look yummy)!
I love the photos of your girls, and the fact that they do the candy making now. I love old things too; your home is just lovely! Merry Christmas!
the oreo truffles are great, i just tasted one the other day and i will definately be making those.
Oh Lora! Your home and decorations are beautiful. I loved the painting of Simeon and the baby Jesus. Oh Glory! What a beautiful reminder of the reason for this season.
I think my favorite part was the snow and the holly bushes. They are gorgeous and yes His glory is revealed in every little things.
Everything here was delicious. I’ve shared a second tour at my home… More of my favorite things. I share a big Bible, too. Not an antiquity like yours, but a work of art by Thomas Kinkaide… See you soon and thanks for havign us in – it has been great fun!
Oh thank you for sharing you home with us. I love the Simeon picture and using the Family Bible- I need to ask my Mom where ours is!
Everything is so beautiful! Thanks for the tour. Hoping we can meet in person some day soon.
I would love it if you shared the idea of praying over the gift recipients while wrapping.
I will be gone for about a week and don’t know if I will be on a computer or not, so if not I hope you have a very Merry Christmas.
beautiful, thanks for inviting us into your home!
Beautiful! Thank you for sharing! (Those Oreo treats look great!)
Everything is lovely! The oreo truffles look divine.
All of your decorations are so beautiful and I like how so many of them have a special story. Thanks for the truffles. 🙂
Your home and your love for Jesus are beautiful. I love the picture of Simeon – his prayer in Luke is one of my favorite parts of the story of Jesus’ childhood. Merry Christmas
Everything is lovely – – – but those TRUFFLES!!!! There aren’t enough words for those!!!! Gorgeous.
I love all of your sweet family pieces. Such lovely memories associated with so many things. And those truffles–YUM!
Your house is lovely. The picture of Simeon is just breathtaking because I have always loved what he says when he finally lays eyes on Jesus! Such awesome scripture!
Thanks for the tour, the sweet treats (yum) and sharing your home with your bloggy friends!
Have a blessed Christmas!
Thanks for the tour. I like the focus on the family Bible!
Thank you for opening your home!
May God bless you and yours during this Holiday season.
What a lovely holiday home. I enjoyed seeing all of your collections. Thanks for sharing the recipe, too. Merry Christmas!
The Oreo truffles sound wonderful! Yum! Thank you for sharing your pretty decorations. Merry Christmas.
I love your decorations! Your mantel is so pretty! I think I have the same laura ashley clock! Oh and the oreo truffles sound devine! I am going to have to try those!
I love the painting of Simeon & the Christ Child. It is amazing.
Your home is lovely!
Your home and decorating style are gorgeous. Love the whole thing. Blessings.
How fun to get a tour of your lovely home! I love seeing all of your treasures and hearing the stories behind them! 🙂 You are a wonderful hostess!
And I just tried the Oreo truffles at a party recently. Oh, my! Oh, my! They are soooo good! 🙂
Blessings to you and your precious family this Christmas!
Thank you for the lovely tour! I must say I am most impressed with those Oreo truffles though and your teens’ decorating skills.
Merry Christmas!
Your home is beautiful! And I am going to have to try those Oreo truffles. Merry Christmas!
HI My friend!!!
Your home looks just beautiful! I loved everything. Good job!
I’m going to have see about meeting up with you the next time I come to Newport to visit my little sister. 🙂
Merry Christmas
I thank you for your comment on my blog, I also thank you for letting us into yours. You brought back fond memories of Christmas from my past. My best & dearest are those when we had nothing too. Having less materially keeps it real. May God bless you and yours.
Just made those truffles (I call them “Redneck Truffles”. Being from Tennessee, I can do that!) and they were a huge hit. Thanks for showing us your family’s home. Have a wonderful Christmas!
What a delightful home! Thank you for the tour and have a blessed Christmas.
What a fun blog!
Love your decor – thanks for sharing!
Paula Idaho
This is my first visit to your blog. Lovely decorations! Very beautiful. But I enjoyed your sweet spirit evidenced through your words even more. Thank you for sharing the fragrance of Jesus with us!
Hi Lora,
Just wanted to let you know that we made the Oreo truffles this year – I’ve never even heard of these before I saw them here – and they are delightful! Thanks for sharing your beautiful home and heart.