Before going to see the opera last month, we visited a lovely park and waterfall in downtown Greenville, South Carolina.I was delighted to see the leaves so vibrant for the latter part of November. And I loved the lamplight too!
One of the first sights I saw in the park was this welcoming stone bridge.
The Salesman and I went to school in this area for four years and did not know about this treasure right in the heart of downtown.
I know the Saleman was always studying or working.
I wish I could tell you I was always studying or working. My parents sent me a note after receiving my first semester grades and told me I could have a social life at home and it was free.
What a beautiful bridge. Look at the different ways the stones are stacked. The shape and curve around the opening, then the stacks from ground to the road. Oh yes, I was going to tell you I got sidetracked at school. See how easy that happened?
I did get serious about school after getting a reality check in the form of a note from my dear parents who were both home working so I could further my education.
Yes, I had gone to college to study.
A sweet little bird’s nest. Birds are one of my favorite things – a bird, a nest, a feeder, a birdbath. I think I’m getting sidetracked again.
I had gotten sidetracked by a certain someone in my accounting class that first semester…
And studying seemed secondary to the Salesman.
But I got back on the bridge of education.
I climbed back up the lovely old stone steps to higher education.
Those steps that the Salesman was diligently climbing.
And now we return to the area to enjoy some sights we didn’t see while we lived there.I did not start this post to tell you about college or meeting my dear husband. How did that happen? I guess being in the area made me think of meeting the Salesman and our story. We are continually amazed at all the opportunities that surround us that we don’t take advantage of. What about you? Is there a place nearby you’ve been intending to go visit? I’d encourage you today, go out and see that “the whole earth is full of His glory.”
These pictures are so beautiful. I would never have studied had I been there.