We are home from a most wonderful visit with my dear brother and his family. We met in the historic town of Franklin, Tennessee and had the best time together. We are blessed, really blessed to have a sweet relationship with our family. I dearly love them all. My dear nephew has grown so much since our last visit – we are seeing eye-to-eye. And my darlin’ niece has grown and changed so much since our last visit. The last time I saw her, I held her in my arms. This visit, she was a toddler on the go!
Lord willing, I will share more about the trip later this week.
Thinking of how much my nephew and niece had grown between our visits, also made me think about how much had changed and grown in the garden in almost a week. Before we left, I was tickled that one iris was in bloom. We returned to a beautiful dew covered, speckled blanket of purple blooms.
And the azaleas decided to awaken from their slumber and share their lovely pink blooms.
It won’t be long till the Lady Banks rose delights us with fragrant blooms.
There is even new growth on the shrubbery in the landscaping!
Every herb, flower and plant appeared to have grown while we were gone.
The new growth made me think of I Corinthians 3: 6 & 7:
“I planted, Apollos watered, but God was causing the growth. So then neither the one who plants nor the one who waters is anything, but God who causes the growth.”I did not do a thing in the garden for at least a week, yet another wave of tulips greets me upon return. Audra and I planted the herb and flower garden several years ago. We have all, at one time or another, watered and weeded the beds. Yet, while we were gone last week, God gave new growth.
Lord, truly the whole earth shouts praises of Your glory that You are everything
Your power and redemption’s story is evident as Your creation sings
Thank you for the garden we planted and watered and that You graciously gave the increase
Your power and might and the wonder of Your creation continues to amazes me, do not cease
Thank You for this glimpse of the garden that sings of Your praise
All honor to You – Amazing Creator, Giver of Growth and Ancient of Days. Amen.
I’ve missed you! And those are beautiful photos Lora! I love the purple irises….
Hey Lora,
Long time no see. I have friends in Franklin. Glad you enjoyed your visit. We are both thinking about growth! God is the one who makes it grow. I love that. Iris is one of my favorite flowers. Those are beautiful. The Lord welcomed you home with a colorful garden. The whole earth is full of His Glory!!! Greg C reminded me yesterday it is Earth Day today. What a fitting post to honor the Lord, thanking Him for His creation. Enjoy today. This is the day the Lord has made. Rejoice!!! B
GOD is continuing to reveal HIS beauty even when we are away or not looking. HE is awesome!!
Updated Urgent prayer request for Colton on my blog. Thank you for being a faithful prayer warrior. U will also see a neg. comment and my reply. GOD BLESS, andrea
Those are really beautiful photos you have! Glad to be following your blog!
Thank you kind Adrienne. I’d hug you again if I could!
B – I loved the Franklin area – it is beautiful – the old homes, the scenery, shopping, etc. And being there with family was just the icing on the cake! I did not know that it was earth day today, so thank you kindly for the information.
Andrea, I will come by and pray for Colton and read the comments and your response as well.
Laurence, thank you for your kind words. The Lord’s handiwork does wonders for my feeble photography skills. He is good!
I’m so glad you had wonderful visit. Your garden is delightful.
Beautiful flowers! I am patiently waiting for mine to bloom. Thanks for sharing.
Lora – this is so beautiful – Oh I love gardening and flowers and God speaks to me through His creation!
You are so special, thank you for visiting my blog…
Much love,
Amen Lora! I love looking at the flowers in the yard and think about the beauty and uniqueness of each one….which, without God Himself, would have never existed in the first place!
Thank you for your kind words Laundry Lady!
Dear Cindy I will look forward to seeing your flowers when they bloom.
Gran Jan, I think we are kindred spirits in the garden and with the Lord. You are so special to my heart.
Jen, you said it well. I am so thankful for His beautiful creation. The whole earth is full of His glory!
Thanks for taking the time to stop by my blog. I value your time there!
I see your a fan of Henry Blackaby and Travis! 2 of my favorites also. In addition, I loved what you had to say about writing by lamplight; I found myself wanting to do the same after reading your words.
Truly, you have the heart of writer and a flower garden to go with.
Blessings and peace to you this week~elaine
Wow those flowers are gorgeous! I like the tulip (?) the most, they’re my favourite flowers, along with gerberas. 🙂
So glad you had a nice trip!
Love your flowers! it just lifted up my spirits and the reference to God´s glory!
Thank you!
Your garden is inspiring. Lora, there is always something fresh and beautiful waiting for me here. Thanks!
You won the giveaway over at my blog. Hop over and see!!
Elaine, thank you kindly for your encouraging words – they really blessd my heart. I was blessed to meet and hear Dr. Blackaby and Travis this last year. I am still meditating on many words I heard Dr. Blackaby speak. And Travis took me to the throne in worship.
Tulips are one of my favorites too Holly! I’m certain the Gerberas in New Zealand are beautiful.
I praise the Lord for you Dani Joy and Lisa.
Leah, I am thrilled and thankful to the Lord for winning your book giveaway! I’m looking forward to reading the book that has impacted and changed your life.