When I sat down at my desk Thursday morning, I saw the first bloom on the Lady Banks rose and I immediately grabbed the camera and went outside. I had been anticipating the blooms since we returned from our visit with my dear brother’s family in Franklin.It was too early for even Lilly Belle to join me. The foggy mountain morning sunrise was beautiful.
Not only was the rose on the trellis beginning to bloom; but about twelve inches above the dark purple iris blooms, this symphony of light lavender greeted me.
The whole earth is full of His glory!
When I went back in to get some clippers to cut the remaining dark purple blooms, Lilly Belle decided to join me for the gathering of the irises. The blooms were still wet from rainfall during the night and oh, so fragrant. I gathered them into a cut crystal vase that belonged to my dear mother. There was one sweet, small bloom on a very short stem that I put in a cruet. It is now gracing the teens bath.
I found one of my Grandmother Beatrice’s lovely pieces of needlework, and after trying the arrangement on the buffet,
found a lovely home for our last day of school bouquet. And headed back to my desk for some sweet thanksgiving to the Lord for the last school year.
Just lovely Lora! I’m sure the girls are so happy to have break now.
Thanks for the bloomin’ pictures! How exciting it must be to be done–we have a month to go!
Very nice
Thank you Rebecca. The children are thrilled to be on a break.
It sounds like you have the finish line in sight Luanne!
Nice to meet you Jody and thank you.
How very beautiful! Breathtaking!
Congratulations on completing another year of homeschool. I know you all deserve a nice rest.
God bless you!
Beautiful pictures and congrats on a year of schooling well done. HOpe you have a wonderful Lord’s Day tomorrow.
congrats on the end of another school year; we finish the traditional end of May. I’m ready to quit packing lunch boxes and going through book bags. You are my hero for homeschooling! Enjoy the break. Come to NC and see me!
Your pictures are always so beautiful! I love the picture blogs 🙂 (Hard for me enjoy video blogs b/c I can rarely watch them.)
Congrats on finishing up another year!
Thank you for always coming by my place and leaving a sweet word (or more) of encouragement. It means more than you’ll ever know.
Praise the Lord for the close of your school year and the beginning of a great summer for your family.
Beautiful photos!
Bless you dear one and thank you for the times you’ve prayed for our daughter. God is moving mightily!
Love you.