The oil painting of the yellow tulip I was given by Victoria Leigh and mentioned here has a home! I found the frame at Hobby Lobby for 50% off and I really like the look with the oil. I had thought about hanging this bright beauty near my desk. The young artist suggested we hang it above my desk.
I love it here! And I would have never thought to hang it above the desk! This is my view as I sit by the lamp light and look up. A lovely view indeed!
In the lower right hand corner you may be able to see the corner of a watercolor Audra painted of my journal that is awaiting framing and a home.
Beautiful Lora!
Looks perfect there! Such a sweet way to keep spring in your heart through these coming months!
very pretty!
Thank you all.
Hi beautiful sister! I have SO missed visiting with you.
What beautiful photos you shared. Your blog is always so filled with gentleness and care.
I'm so blessed truly. I love you.
Beautiful art by beautiful daughters.