Do exactly as you’ve been told
Lay down the old, pick up the new
My Spirit will do a mighty work through you
Don’t just do what you’ve always done in the past
New things are springing forth – eternal things that will last
Be free from the mold
Do exactly as you’ve been told
Break out, be free
Eternally significant, in and through ME
Don’t be bound by any thing in your past
Reach forward, to the eternal, it will last
I have, for you, a great, new work to do
Let My Spirit guide you, My Son shine through
No matter what your age or where you are
My glorious work surpasses your imagination by far
Don’t be afraid to break out of the mold
For Me, My Kingdom, Be Brave, Be Bold
I will accomplish all that I’ve said
My Word is true, My Son’s covenant pierced and bled
Your days were written before you were formed
Don’t feel the need or urge to just conform
Break out of the mold of your past
In Me, you will find what eternally lasts.
Isaiah 43:18,19
Do not call to mind the former things, Or ponder things of the past. Behold, I will do something new, now it will spring forth; will you not be aware of it? I will even make a roadway in the wilderness, rivers in the desert.
It is hard to break out of our comfort zone, but well worth it. GOD has so much to teach us…
Blessings, andrea
Did you write the poem? They are very fitting – a confirmation of things in my heart … so glad you posted them.
I tried to see the video but it just went to the you tube sign up section ???
Thank you for your post. Timely.
Okay my sentence looks funny above .. originally I asked if you wrote the verses .. they are very fitting. When I changed it I left the 2d half. But, you know what I mean, I hope. 🙂 Jenn
Precious words; I needed to hear that today.
Comfort zones are so…comfortable! I'm so glad that God won't let me be boring.
PS…also could not get link to go anywhere! I'll try again.
Great poem. He tell you out of the mold and I hear out of the box. Same result: ) Could not view the video but I want to. I am working on a new video too. It is horrible seeing ourselves on camera isn't it!
WOW! That poem is just beautiful and so inspiring!
It is early in the morning, and I have the sound down on my computer as my husband sleeps behind me…so I am not able to watch your video…but kudos to you for doing it!!! 🙂
"Do exactly what you've been told to do". That is what the Lord has been saying to me. I prayed for a 'word' for 2010 and I believe that it is 'obedience'. For a great deal of '08 and '09 it was sacrifice and trust. Now it seems that He is saying to me, "Leah just do exactly what you are told to do". I'm gonna strive to be obedient with everything I've got.
Beautiful post. Can't wait to see the video.
Oh, btw, feel free to join us in Challenge 2010. Your readers are welcome too.
Your writing blesses me so.
I tried to watch your video, but couldn't link to it.
I am sorry the link is not working for some of you. I will ask Audra to check and see what technical *stuff* needs to be done.
Jenn, I just wrote down what I heard the LORD speak to my heart.
Thank you all kindly for your encouraging words.
I pondered this verse last week over new year's myself. I love the poem. it's a very inspiring word. Break free from the mold, Lora. He has a very unique purpose for you…no mold could ever contain it!!
Love the poem (how I long to break free from the mold as well). Can't watch the video. Youtube tells me this a private video. Let me know if there's something else I should do to view it.
Audra did some techno work on the link today dear ones, I pray that it works now. Blessings to you all.
Audra, thank you kindly for your technical expertise! Love you darlin'.
Dear Lora,
His Word is alive and active in you, and has encouraged me many times.
And I think Edith Schaeffer would love this video! It is living out the simple, homespun creativity she writes about in The Hidden Art.
Hi! I found your website via Audrey's spreadsheet for SSMTC. Looking forward to Houston!
Breaking the mold!
Got to see video – that's neat. And so true. It is a battle — Satan on the outside, the "old nature" on the inside – warring against us. Especially today – timely message. Thanks. Jenn
P.S. I'm so thankful for God's Word which shows us SO very much — it's packed. 🙂 Jenn
Some things happened at my house this morning that worked me into a real bad mood before my quiet time. I decided to check your blog before I got started…. WOW. Your poem and video were exactly what I needed to set my heart and mind back on the LORD. Thank you so much for your obdienece. The Lord uses you in a mighty way to bless me 🙂
8 days!!!!
I needed this today Lora! Thank you for your faithfulness to post it!
Many hugs
Your poem is such a blessing! And that video, what a wonderful "new thing" for you. I was very touched by the lesson about scripture memory.