My initials spell out LOL.
I saw it monogramed on towels long before the phrase became popular; but I believe the LORD is calling me to laugh more.
I don’t know about you; but I tend to do more worrying than laughing. I think of the Proverbs 31 woman who laughs at her days to come. I need to laugh more. How about you? Are you a serious person too? Could you use more laughter?
(Laughing and taking selfies with Owen!)
Last night, our youngest daughter and I, sat on my bed and laughed as we took pictures with a new selfie stick she bought for her trip to Italy. It was fun to be goofy and just laugh. It was refreshing. It made me think that I need to enjoy each day. I tend to get caught up with my to-do list and want to get everything done before relaxing. I’m thankful that our children can be a source of laughter. I’m thankful that last night, when in my scheduled mind, I should be writing a post, I laughed and enjoyed being with Victoria Leigh.
I’m thankful for the laughter we shared in the kitchen last night with both daughters as we just did life and talked about shoes and clothes and getting items ready for Victoria’s trip.
I’m thankful for a new, young friend at the gym that just blessed my heart the other week when we were deep in conversation, and she just moved on over to my treadmill and started talking and sharing! I had paused my treadmill to stretch and before I could start back, she was on my treadmill! I’m sure it looked odd to other people for the two of us to be visiting on one treadmill; but it blessed my heart. Here we are laughing about it later:
There are many times in life that I feel like I am on one of those hidden camera shows, where really odd things happen and I look around to see if I can find a camera person. Do you ever feel like that?
On Sunday, the LORD used an oddly placed chair, to make me laugh and then to later think how HE used the chair to remind me that HE is always there. I felt like the LORD used a sense of humor to communicate with me. HE is good!
Here is one of my favorite funnies from the blog archives entitled Purse on a Chain The memories of the trip that sparked this post, still bring a smile to my heart!
What makes you laugh?
Today, I am thankful for family, friends and laughter!
May I laugh at the days to come.
Thank YOU for levity and fun!
YOU can use the unique and even the odd
To speak to me, Dear GOD.
You are right, I need to laugh more!! My sons were taking pictures of us with the new app that swaps faces on Saturday at my MIL's 90th birthday party. Everyone was caught up in the hilarity of the face swaps and silly other faces they were making. We all needed to laugh! Joining you from Judith's place at Wholehearted Home ♥
So good to read of the joy in your heart and in your family. And such GREAT initials!
I definitely need to laugh more. The past couple of years have been painfully serious and my heart has been in a laughter drought. Thank you for reminding me of the joy of laughter, and the need of it. Thank you for your presence at The Loft. You are so beautiful, Lora!
I love to laugh – deep down belly laughter and I must have that every single day of my life. My hubs is a wonderful source. My co-worker is also. My sons and daughter as well. Laughter…the very best natural medicine!!! I'm your neighbor at Beth's in #25
Owen and I did the face swap! He taught me how! lol
Thank you Michele!
This was my hardest prompt from The Loft. Thank you kind sister. You always speak words of life.
Hi Susan! And welcome!!! Yes, laughter is the best medicine!
How cool that your initials are LOL! I can't think of anything better. I love to laugh. I am one of those people who can laugh and laugh over the same funny. I can be typing away and get struck with a past memory and start snickering!
Loved the Purse on a Chain post!
OH my yes, I need to laugh more. I don't do near enough. I am way too serious by nature. I wish I could be one of those who can laugh often but I am always thinking about things that are out of my control! Every day is a new day and I am learning to leave it at the Cross and now I am going to leave it and laugh through my day. THank you for sharing this!
Laughter is good medicine! I must be WAY too serious, because in my almost-daily devo blog, I had not fitting post for this week's prompt. But, I was reminded of a post in my journal from my earliest days as a mama, and am going to post that.
Yes, I DO need to laugh more!
You post could definitely be about me! I too find myself a slave to my to-do list before I allow myself to have fun. Thanks for the great reminder to LOL and for linking up with Waiting on…Wednesday! I hope we'll see you back again tomorrow!
Holly @ While I'm Waiting