Happy New Year!!!
You may say that it is June, not January. I agree with you; but my new year with the LORD, starts this month. And my word for my new year is: Faith (Not Fear) Year.
Happy New Year!!!
When I think of things that have shaped my faith, I think of:
My parents
Seeing and hearing GOD in everyday life
Friends, ministers, mentors
But as I’ve thought about it, fear has also shaped my faith. Fear has been the one consistent thing that has tried to overcome and stand as an obstacle against my faith.
Being a visual person, I like to see things in order.
I like to see that things are ok.
I like to see that everyone is getting along.
I like to see harmony and unity.
I like to see love and honor and respect.
I like to see the fruits of the Spirit.
I like to see the beauty in every situation.
But, to be honest, that is not an all the time, every day occurrence. Faith calls me to a world and reality that I can not see: “Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.” Hebrews 11:1.
The reality is:
Not every *thing* is in order.
Not every *thing* is ok.
Not every one gets along.
I see disharmony and disunity.
I see hate and dishonor and disrespect.
I see no fruit at times.
I feel the reality of ashes.
And it is in those times, in the trenches of the reality of life, that fear has spoken to me and called my name. Fear reminds me of what, I see – my reality. Fear asks me to cave to it. Fear reminds me of situations and people and *things* that are not lining up with my ideal world. Fear calls my number and turns on a recording of every wrong and hideous outcome to a situation. Fear would like for me to go on a continual campout with it. Fear would like me to spend hours consuming the “what-if’s” of life. Fear is draining. Fear is real. Fear has physical side effects (teeth clenching, anxiety, stress, etc). I have been there. I have defaulted to fear to often. This last year, I’ve been able to see the patterns of fear in my life and, hallelujah, I declare it’s the:
Faith, Not Fear, Year!
Fear has tried to shape and define me;
But, I declare – you are behind me!
I will operate and walk in faith
Because, my GOD is great!
I will walk in GOD’s reality:
The Unseen World, Him and me.
I’m excited to begin again!
Faith knows the end.
So, in faith,
I will expectantly wait.
Though what I experience and see
May not look ideal to me,
Full of faith,
I will wait.
HE has never left me.
HE is for me.
HE loves me with an everlasting love.
HE has good in store for me.
HE uses everything for good!
HE has a purpose and a plan!
HE is faithful.
HE is a good, good Father!
Hallelujah!!! And Amen!
It’s going to be the best year ever!
Happy New Year to you! Loved to see this and it is refreshing for the middle of the year. An inspiration. From Women with Intention link up.
What an encouraging post! I do have a tendency to "strike a new" balance at odd times of year as well. One is the beginning of a school year. The other is my birthday.
Thank you, Michelle!
You nailed it – it's birthday month for me!!!
What a wonderful declaration! I declare it with you.
I got a kick out of your line: "Fear would like for me to go on a continual campout with it." Well, I'm not that enamored with camping anyway. I say, let fear campout alone. LOL.
Thanks for sharing today at The Loft
This is so fun! Happy new year to you! Praying He blesses you with boldness borne of faith often this year : )
Thank you, Jerralea! Glamping might be the only camping I'd be interested in!!!
Thank you Bethany.
Well, I just love this post!! So many people deal with fear EVERY SINGLE DAY. What a wonderfully encouraging post! And by the way, happy birthday month! It is my birthday month, too.