Does life seem busier now than it use to be? Do the days and the hours move at an accelerated pace? Is there more to do now than in earlier days? I don’t know about you; but it seems to me that busy punctuates my schedule, my days, my hours, down to minutes ticking by on the clock.
Last week while at the seashore, I took along a book gifted to me by a friend, with the intention to sit and read and enjoy every word. I am just a few pages shy of finishing the book; but somehow the whole experience of sitting and reading at another location highlighted to me how very busy I have become. Busy doing many things; but what is the most important? What is of lasting and eternal value? What am I doing that is just spinning my wheels verses traction and tread in the kingdom of GOD?
One is good, the other is best.
I want GOD’s best.
Last night at the close of a meeting, I pulled out a blank page of paper and the words just seemed to flow from my pen, then as I wrote, I realized it was HIM – the LORD speaking to my heart. And I’ve awoke this morning with a hunger for more of these experiences with HIM.
I want to sit more with HIS Word and listen to what HE has to say.
I believe with every fiber of my being that HE is alive and active today.
But lately it seems as if the busy-ness of life has just got in the way.
And in conversation, I seem to have so much to say.
But I hear the gentle prompting to rest, to listen and slow down –
To not be so active and busy in my activities about town.
In the quiet and in the steady rhythms of life,
I’ll excel at being a Godly wife.
Busy-ness can be a thief,
Robbing us of priorities that should be chief.
If I am to busy to hear
That my Savior is near,
Then I am too busy.
Slow down, life’s pace can make me dizzy.
There is no intrinsic value in being busy. And lately, I’ve been there. I’m thankful that there has been no big event that has caused me to re-evaluate my priorities; but I feel that the LORD is doing a great work in me. That no matter how many items are on my to-do list, I want to accomplish the *things* HE desires of me. And if I am busy running around, I’m not going to hear HIS still small voice. Thankfully, I have a choice.
Help me, the lasting to choose
Because I don’t want to lose
The eternal value, the eternal gifts…
Help me – above the pull of the world – to lift.
Before me I see so many blank pages
And empty, vacant stages.
Just waiting for YOUR words –
LORD, I want YOU to be heard.
Come right upon my pages
Be with me in transitioning stages.
From busy-ness to being still,
I want to fully live out YOUR will.
Hallelujah and amen!
I agree…I am usually so busy that I barely have time to eat 🙂
This is a good encouragement to keep my focus on the few things God has called me to do and let other "good" things fall away. I know that when I get too busy, one of the first things to go is my time with the Lord. Before I know it, I am feeling spiritually weak from hunger for the Lord. Thanks for sharing this encouragement!
There's nothing like the seaside to recalibrate and energize our souls, bodies, relationships. How we long for rest …
So good to meet you today at The Loft!
Love this, Lora! Your post really speaks to me because, well, I am too busy! Love these lines: "Busy-ness can be a thief,
Robbing us of priorities that should be chief."
Thank you for challenging us today at The Loft.
Over the past few years I have turned loose of several responsibilities that kept me far too busy….women's ministry leader at church, sunday school teacher, etc. Now, I am much less busy, but even in that the Lord made it clear late last year that this year, 2016, would be about REST. And it has been. A back injury early in the year literally forced rest. Now, He is making it plain that my season of rest is also about emotional rest and ministry rest. Quieting ourselves is not only important to us, it is important to the Lord. Lovely, challenging post, Lora. Thank you for your presence at The Loft.
I have done that too!!!
Yes! And you are welcome!
How true, Linda.
Thank you, Jerralea.
A post within a post – so good!