Sharing my social media links today at The Loft. I first joined Facebook when the girls were teenagers to keep up with them and recently joined Snapchat too… My favorite is Instagram because I love to take pictures. I will use Twitter some to post what I hear GOD saying to my heart.
In case you are interested:
On SnapChat, I’m LoraLovinOsburn
I’m interested in hearing if you set time frames for being on social media? I know time can pass very quickly while I am looking at pictures…
Have a wonder filled Wednesday!!!
Thanks for sharing at The Loft, Lora. You raise an interesting question about setting time limits. I have not done so as of yet, but I am aware that I've been wasting time some days on social media. A time limit might be what I need, although I'm leery of imposing another rule in my life …
I found your thoughts on this topic so interesting! I am not a "visual person" and was actually disturbed when Twitter began to allow memes or pictures! I can barely keep up with Facebook and Twitter; so, I don't Instagram much (although I maintain an account) or Snapchat at all.
But, to each his own! There are certainly many online tools for spreading the message of Christ!
🙂 Gena
Hi Lora, I found und your post on the Loft for the social media topic today. I don't necessarily set time limits for social media but I try to be intentional about the time I spend and how I spend it. Sure there are times where I use it to relax but during the day especially, I want to limit my distractions as much as possible. And honestly, social media is one of my biggest time suckers. I'm also determined to get time with God in the mornings before heading online. This is just what works best for me and I'd love to find out what works for others.
Thanks for opening up the conversation!
Marva | SunSparkleShine
So very good to meet you over at The Loft today, Lora … this has been a thought-provoking topic, for sure! Thanks for coming by to say 'hi' ….
Lora, those limits/boundaries on our time are so crucial. Mornings are off-limits for me. WORD FIRST!!!
I so understand being leery…
Love your honesty. One of my best friends loves to read Twitter, too.
Hi Marva. God first works for me too!
Nice to meet you as well, Linda.