Good morning! I hope you are doing well. Do you ever feel like you have an army of thoughts in your head and you wonder where to start? It’s kinda like looking at the to do list and trying to prioritize where to start…
What needs to be tended to today?
What should have been done yesterday?
What needs to be taken off the list?
What could be moved to tomorrow?
Then there are all the added tasks that get penciled in throughout the day as they come from other people…
Many times with blogging, it is like that, I sit to write and it seems to go a different direction than the thoughts I’d had or, maybe it is easier to do what I’ve been thinking of rather than just sitting and moving with the rhythm of what I hear HIM speak. Am I the only one out there like that? Seriously, it would be easier to share what I heard HIM say Sunday; but I believe HE gives me bread for today. So, in keeping with not wanting to eat stale bread, I make it to the keyboard and start typing, hesitating because sometimes it’s easier to share what you have already been mulling over, than to share fresh bread.
So here is the funny story that is prompting today’s thoughts:
Last week, as we made spur-of-the-moment plans to have friends over for dinner because the rain was spoiling our original plans, the friend suggested a cook-off, and I immediately responded: “No way! You already have Betty Crocker in your name and I will go ahead and send you the prize because that is one contest I am not even going to enter!” We laughed, and our friends brought over so much delicious and wonderful food for dinner, it made hosting super easy! Good friends are blessings. Good friends that have Betty Crocker in their name, make the evening delicious too!
So, over the week, I’ve thought about how quickly I responded to her joke about having a cook-off. And the thought has crossed my mind about how easily and quickly I can dismiss some thoughts that I have when faced with challenges. Now granted, my life is not a dinner party, cook-off, get-together-with-my-friends-everyday-party. There are tough days. There are decisions to be made. There are situations to address. There are people and problems and issues. There is self and sin and the pull of the world.
But, I believe GOD has tucked dreams and thoughts in my heart, and they are GOD sized dreams and hopes and thoughts. Do you have dreams and hopes that you feel have been tucked in you? Those thoughts that come across your heart and mind that you know that you did not put there. They are too big, too bold, too grand for you. Or at least that is what I hear when I think about the possibility of moving forward on some of the hopes and dreams of my heart. I can hear my response spill from my lips as fast as I responded to my Betty Crocker friend:
Someone else is already that.
Someone else has already won the prize.
I could not compete in that arena.
Anyone else there? I do hope that you are not feeling like a pinball in an overtime game. But friends, I feel that GOD is calling me, us, to do some of the dreams HE has placed in our hearts:
GOD has placed hopes and dreams in our hearts.
I am challenged as I write, to place some of the thoughts, hopes and dreams that I feel that HE has placed in me, at the top of the priority, to-do list, and with my hand over my mouth that wants to give a list of excuses as to why I can’t, and just say:
I am willing to do the thang. Or thing.
And let HIM show off. A GOD sized task can not be accomplished on our own. Hallelujah! Glory!
We were placed here with purpose, with reason and with intent.
And it is the enemy that tells us that we are broken and already spent.
Sisters, brothers, fathers, mothers, you have purpose, reason and intent.
From the heart of Our Father, you have been lovingly sent,
To live out your hopes and dreams!
It does not mean all will happen without a hitch or seam,
But let’s be willing, let’s go and do,
What HE has called us to!
GOD, I pray today, that YOU would light holy fires in me, in us –
If we have just been a passenger on a bus,
That we would not be looking for the easy way out,
But that we would be vessels that YOUR glory may shout!
May we accept the GOD sized task,
No matter what YOU ask.
LORD, could we just be willing to say we can’t; but YOU can
Even if we can’t see the how, moment-by-moment, we will follow YOUR plan.
We desire, we long to be
A holy people that whole-heartedly follow Thee.
Lora, so glad I dropped by here today. I feel as if this is a word for me today! I have dreams that are too big for me …
I love your thinking that He can give us fresh bread for today! Along that line of thinking, does that mean when He gives us bread, we should write about it then and not save it for another day? Something to ponder …
This is so good… and just what I needed to hear! As writers, it's an easy way out sometimes to retreat back into our shell when a dream emerges, thinking it has already been shared and written about before. Clearly there is nothing new under the sun, but your post reminds me that God stirs our hearts to beat faster when a dream needs to be pursued and the HE will make a way. Thanks for sharing! Stopping by from #SittingAmongFriends 🙂
Oh, I am so glad you posed this question, Jerralea! Something to ponder, indeed.
Good morning, Laura. Thank you for stopping by! Your word about retreating is so true and so thankful that He does cause our hearts to beat faster – love that whole line! The welcome mat is out for you and I'll leave a lamp light on.