Good morning! How are you this morning? I hope you are having a good week. My thoughts and prayers are with those that have been impacted by the hurricanes.
Our church starts a conference this week with the theme of “Made New” and the theme has been in the forefront my thoughts lately. I sat and wrote the following piece this last week. I don’t know that it is right to say that I wrote it, because I feel like I just write down what I hear. I feel more like a scribe than an author.
I pray that the new that Our LORD brings, is embraced by you:
Does defeat,
Ever draw close and take a seat?
Or fear,
Crouch down and stay near?
Does sorrow,
Seem to define your years?
May The Word,
Bring new life to you.
HE has plans an purposes here, and among the nations.
Embrace the new, in the events you are facing.
HE knows the heartache and pain you endure,
And in our One, Nail-Pierced Savior, is our cure.
Oh, HE brings beauty from the ash heap,
May HIS new flow into your soul and seep.
The chaos you go through,
HE desires to make new.
Allow, HIS refrain,
Through the tears and pain.
Oh, to see clearly,
HE loves you, dearly.
HE will use the darkness, the sorrow, and the pain
To bring glory, to HIS wonder-filled name.