It is a new season! This theme of new seems to be everywhere I turn. And I love when I can see a good picture of a word.
Yesterday an arborist and his crew, started the process of removing some dead and leaning trees from our property. The rain and a storm set in and they had to get their big trucks off the lawn; but today I see two stumps remaining from yesterday’s work as I click on the keys from my office window. They are going to come back and remove the stumps and finish up when the lawn dries out.
Looking at remnants of the old is all that is left today. One pine tree they removed had been destroyed by bagworms and the other was leaning too much toward the street and The Salesman thought it was a liability, so it too, is gone. There is a bit of sawdust that encircles the two stumps.
The whole process has me thinking of how The LORD can remove the old from our life; but if it not completely gone, we are going to focus on it and find ourselves missing out on the beauty of what The LORD has if we focus on the old instead of the new. And those stumps are just reminders of what was there.
It’s a good picture for me though. With the diseased and leaning trees gone, there is so much more sunlight in the front yard!
With the old gone, the can be so much more Son Light. Hallelujah.
You know, I’m ready for them to come back and completely remove the stumps. Because the old can trip us up and leave us flat on our rump.
LORD, remove all my stumps:
Anything that is old,
And leaves me dark and cold.
I want the new.
Come remove what YOU need to.
Where diseased and leaning,
Give me hope and new meaning.
My heart is your stage,
Now, at my current age,
I want to see and experience the new.
Come, And completely do what YOU need to do.
Bring in the truck and equipment
And remove any resentment,
Remove what needs to go,
So I can experience the GOD show.
And, please, take the stumps,
I don’t want to trip and be flat on my rump.
I want a complete work
No part of the old to shirk,
A complete work.
No stumps
That we take me back to the dump.
No stumps.
A complete work! Amen! This is such a wonderful, simple illustration. Thank you for sharing!
Thank you kindly, Bethany.