Good morning, friends. How are you? Are you enjoying the warm/hot weather?
This last week has been non-stop. The Salesman is home and recovering, and working, too! I’ve been thinking much about his heart attack and the complications he is experiencing, and his pain. I’ve been thinking about my own hardships. The reality of life coupled with the purchase of the colander for an upcoming wedding, got my thoughts going and suddenly this Pioneer Woman stylish strainer becomes a GOD sifter, and a personal Spirit lifter. The intensity of this last week has weighed heavy on me. I could use a lift!
Life can sometimes feel like a drain-
Whether a steady dripping, or an intense, sudden pain.
But there is ONE who holds it all.
No hurt, no sorrow, no situation, is beyond HIS call.
Though I wonder at times at the “what” HE allows…
HE will do whatever it takes to bring the knee to bow.
HE desires with us, our union,
To be an intimate communion.
To think and imagine what HE sifts
To draw us closer to HIM, is indeed a gift.
HE knows what needs to come through,
And in the situation, HE remains faithful and true.
Guaranteed, HE knows what needs to remain.
Hallelujah. I choose to praise HIS name!
Thankful today that HE has strained
Every ounce of our heartache and pain.
Amen and hallelujah! He knows our pain and cares so deeply.
{The colander is so fun and pretty!}