We have made it to our 13th verse of the year! Wow! In some regards, this year seems to be flying right on by. We started our first verse on March the 15th, and here we are in September! I am so thankful the steadfast Word has carried us through. In ever changing times, The Word never changes.
I am enjoying reading your verses here on the blog and on Facebook and Instagram. It is so encouraging, and builds up my faith, when I read your verses. I hope that if you have considered joining in and haven’t yet, that today you will join the Scripture Memory Team. No tryouts. Everyone is welcome. Just put your verse in the comments and work on memorizing it until the 1st of October and then we will select and memorize another verse.
Since I’ve started challenging myself to type my current verse from memory here, it has helped me to stay accountable. Accountability can serve us in so many areas. So thank you for being my accountability partner and listening while I recite my verse. So, here goes:
You are the light of the world, a town built on a hill cannot be hidden. Matthew 5:14
Now, let me check…. I got it correct! If you would like to write your current verse from memory, please do so as well.
The verse I am memorizing this time is:
Lora Osburn, Morristown, TN: “My soul rests in God alone. My salvation is from him.” Psalm 62:1 WEB
In a world that is ever changing and even bulging at the seams of keeping it together, I want to be able to say from my innermost parts that “my soul rests in God alone!”
I sure do love you all! And esteem you highly for memorizing The Word.
First of all I urge you that petitions, prayers, intercessions and thanksgivings be made for everyone. Mine is half because I chose a long verse.