Normally, the leaves of our magnificent Gingko all flutter to the ground in one day; but, enter 2020, the year of endless possibilities for *things* to be different.
I’ve decided that different is not always bad.
The story of the 2020 Ginkgo tree shedding its leaves unfolded in three days this year.
Monday, November 30th:
The leaves started to pepper down. It was almost as if they were in slow motion and I felt like I could’ve ran and caught each one in my hands as I watched them falling from the tippy top branches of the tree.
Tuesday, December 1st:
The Lord opened up the storehouses of snow and scattered some beautiful snowflakes upon the golden carpet that was beginning on the lawn.
Wednesday, December 2nd:
With the first rays of dawn, the fabulous show of all the leaves falling at one time began and I raced outside in my coat and scarf to enjoy the leaves that acted as if they were in the last laps of a race when they were releasing from the tree. It happened so fast, so furiously, so beautifully. The stately tree was still wet from the snow that had clung to her bark. Her crowning glory left her limbs bare and the biggest nests I’ve ever seen with my own eyes, can be clearly seen resting at the furthest reaches. Meanwhile, my size 9’s were engulfed in the most beautiful pile of golden carpet leaves and the joys of childhood days returned to me as I played in the carpet of leaves and snow.
Yes, it happened differently than planned – true to 2020 style; but, in the Lord’s timing, it did happen.
The whole earth is full of His glory.
Oh, please look up, my friends, there is beauty all around us.