You may be asking:
What do those three very different things have in common?
So all that talking about sticks earlier today on Facebook, got me to thinking that I need to share the story of when we participated in a Newlywed game at church about 15 years ago. They asked the men:
“What one item of your wife’s would you really like to tie a chain to a tractor and pull away?” Or something crazy like that..
That’s when the Salesman said:
“All her sticks.”
Well, no one there knew what he meant; but, I certainly did. And, I didn’t know he had deep-seated *tractor pulling* issues with my sticks. I had corkscrew willow sticks in a porcelain vase that he’d tussle with seemingly every time he walked by them. And then there were the pussy willow’s that a dear neighbor had given us that I kept in one of my grandmother’s pink vases. They’ve been knocked over more times than I could count. And I still have them to this day. La-di-da. And, he’s still knocking them over…for the tractor pull comment record.
I have always loved sticks. And I think I always will. The sticks, they are just beautiful to me. And little did the Salesman know, that like Sonny and Cher, when he “got me babe, he got sticks year round” (Lora version)!
So here I am sneaking more sticks in the front door because…well, they are beautiful to me.
Yes, I still have vases of sticks everywhere. Who says it’s not normal to have a vase of sticks on a shelf in the corner of the shower?!? And, you have no room to spread jam on your toast on the kitchen counters?!?
Yes, you got me babe. And my sticks.