I received a message from a friend last night who requested prayer for a friends son that was ready to end his life.
Sometimes when I pray, it turns into a poem. While praying for this young man, I thought of these heart shaped leaves I found last week while sweeping the courtyard. They were like little love notes to me. I prayed that he’d know and see and experience the love of God and others.

I’m sharing my scribbling today in hopes that if you, or anyone you know, is down or depressed or even oppressed by the enemy, that you/they would see and know the love of God, and people, in a tangible way.
I want to tell you that you are loved.
I see it in the leaves…
That have fallen from our trees
We have love notes scattered all around
The Creators love for you does abound
Though your gaze may bent and down
God has scattered love notes to you all around

You are loved
Messages in leaves from God above
You, yes you, are loved