It happened again, I was given a beautiful valentine sweet that I would not eat. It was made, and given, with love and in one of my personal favorite color combinations: orange and pink.

Some people have a love language of giving. I understand because I come from a long line of givers.
The Lord is definitely teaching me a new lesson in giving and being a conduit because I immediately thought of who I’d share this gift with. See, I’m growing from my last “grumbling as I hide it in the fridge” episode.
I looked for a quote; but keep thinking:
• The best joys are in receiving and releasing with open hands.
• Everything I’m given is a result of a good God in heaven.
• It’s all so temporary, so transient, so here and now.
• I want to be sensitive to Him and His leading because something I’ve been given, may be a blessing to someone else.
•God sets the example of giving and love.
I am so thankful to be learning these lessons in love and receiving and giving.
So I want to share this picture with you of my beautiful valentine sweet and tell you that I love you.
You are loved. 

I pray you know and believe that you are loved. I pray my words are a sweet valentine to you today. I’d love to give you all a valentine like the one pictured that I was given; but I do want you to know:
You are loved. 

Have a beautiful Saturday.