Last week two of my friends bought me flowers on the same day.
My name is Lora and I have the best friends ever. 

This bouquet arrived on a rainy afternoon with many raindrops resting on the bright petals.
I took the beauty to my Jesus Room to enjoy.
Little did this cheerful gift know it would become the star of a photo shoot.
Oh the beauty of friendship…
The yellow made me think of my mama and her favorite color and those yellow swivel chairs that anchored my childhood kitchen.
Blooms made me think of my daddy and the flowers he planted at the end of each garden row that I thought were for me.
I certainly felt love in my growing up years.
The childhood that shaped and molded me.
It’s interesting how a thoughtful gift can touch a tender spot in my heart and bring memories of long ago to the forefront of my mind.
Oh, I miss my parents.
But not without Hope.
Tears flow on an early Tuesday morning because of the juxtaposition of life: the good and the lonely and hard go hand in hand.
If you are missing a parent, or a loved one today, I want to share these stems with you.
If the rain of this world is clouding your day, please take a moment to share in the beauty of the Lord in these flowers.
They toil not.
I see you, friend.
I love you.
The Lord loves you.
Rest in His love.