Holding in my hand a postcard fresh from the mailbox that represents how I many time picture my daughters as littles on the old timey photo book pages of my mind – the ones mounted on black pages with photo corners holding them securely to the page.
John Singer Sargent’s Carnation, Lily, Lily, Rose has always been one of my favorite paintings and now here I hold a card and before I even read the words…
Tears flow
Because, well, mamas know.
As I relive the memories of childhood I’m brought back to the reality of today
They’ve surpassed me in all the good ways
To you, beautiful daughters, I salute,
You have deep roots
With good and gentle and godly qualities you are endowed
Of you, though it’s an understatement, make mama proud
Of who You are
For women, your lives, and love, raise the bar.
Continue to light your lanterns
and bravely go God’s way.
I am proud of you today, and every day. 

Carnation, Lily, Lily, Rose.
Blessed international women’s day.