I heard this Aristotle quote last week and had already been thinking about habits and routines because of a camp conversation with Victoria. Then a post I shared in one of my online classes was all about routines “being your friend”. I’m going to share some of the post here and would love to hear your most helpful habits or routines. 

Do you love routine?
Do you hate it?
I don’t really love schedules, but I LOVE me some routine!! The certainty of our routine can help us to manage the uncertainty that life can throw up. Coping with unpredictable periods of time can feel more doable when we have a little structure in place to look to.
A daily routine can help reduce our stress levels. Trying to remember things can be really stressful and can fill our brains up with everything on our ‘to do’ list; which can be incredibly overwhelming. When we have a routine, a lot of the things we do day-to-day slot in, and we don’t have to think about them anymore.
Routine can take the guesswork and uncertainty out of parts of our day, which can allow us to feel more in control and less stressed.
Routine helps with so many things!
Prioritizing exercise
Sticking to your food plan
Taking your supplements consistently
Using your oils
Drinking enough water
Prioritizing your mental health
Reading your Bible
The list is endless!
The predictability of routine can offer some comfort in an otherwise unpredictable world. We have to be a little bit careful not to get so stuck in our routines that they start to cause us stress or stop us from being able to do things that we want to do. The ebb and flow of the routine is a POWERFUL tool in a fresh start and continuing toward your goals!!
I’d love to know: What habits or routines are most helpful to you?