Wearing my Wonder Woman ring and raising my celery juice that we’ve made it to the last day of the liver cleanse the Salesman suggested we do! I was not looking forward to today because it’s all juicing and wasn’t sure if I could do it; but in messaging with my furthest-away-in-distance friend, she encouraged me and said: “You can do it”
So instead of taking to the bed, you can see I removed the sheets to launder them.
I don’t know where you are in your journey; but just wanted to encourage you today you can do it! Yes, you!!!
And I’ll loan out my Wonder Woman ring that came from a cupcake at the Thanksgiving feast at Hope & Thrive Academy if anyone needs it. #LiverCleanse #TheSalesman #YouCanDoIt #DoingHardThings #KeepingTheCommitmentsIMakeToMyself #WonderWomanRing #FriendsEncourageFriends #YesIGotThatRingOffACupcake