Oh, golly
I have felt so melancholy
You’ve been in heaven now for 35 years
So flow my tears
I miss you mom.
I search through your photo books
Hoping, of you, to get a look
Most pictures I see are of me
And other family
There are very few of you.
I find this joyful one of You celebrating me before I was born
Mom, since you’re in heaven, there are times I feel forlorn
I miss you, mom.
I miss you here in my middle years
I’d love to share my hopes and fears
As some things change and others equally stay the same
It would be music to my ears to hear your voice respond to my refrain
I miss the warmth of your welcoming embrace
Your tender, and always for me, loving face
Oh the Grace and the tears flow
Because I know
One day I’ll no longer cry
GOD will wipe every tear from my eyes
I know I’ll see you again.
The reality of earthly loss becomes an eternal win
Because, I will see you again
Heaven is real
There the ache of loss will truly heal