I am so pumped because I have just finished a Ningxia 14 day reset that I am calling my *releasing pounds and people* reset. I’ve shared my personal results from the reset in the past:
•C*vid Brain fog gone
•Reduced inflammation
•Being able to walk up & down stair steps normally after a fall
But on Day 11 of this reset, I was up early to spend time working outside when I felt the prompting of the spirit to come back and rest in bed – no sooner had I laid down, I had a picture in my mind of releasing a bag of balloons and along with each balloon, a person that had caused me a lot of hurt. It was a touching work, and a beautiful one, to let go of the balloons and all that they symbolized. 🎈🎈 I thank the Lord that I released pounds (and people) through this reset. I appreciate you all listening to my tender experience with the Lord.
The emotional weight of people can be heavy…sometimes heavier than the extra pounds that we carry. Emotions affect our body. I believe the Lord does not want us to carry the weight of emotional baggage and hurts. His word encourages us to cast all of our cares upon Him; but in our human frailness, it’s seems easier to hold onto them; but what Sweet relief in releasing them to Him. I’m so thankful that the Lord created us as physical, emotional, and spiritual beings. I believe He is a good God and through a reset that I was doing for something physically, He has emotionally and spiritually encouraged me.
You won’t be surprised when I say I’m going to do another reset starting September 9th and would love to have you join me! If you’re interested, let me know.
If you’re struggling with inflammation, chronic pain, brain fog, weight gain, blood sugar levels off, digestive issues, etc. THIS is the reset for you!
The components:
- Ningxia Red This kit is the best bang for your buck!
- Drink ½ your body weight in water daily
- 30 minutes movement daily
- Diet – some kind of eating plan that will meet your goals. You could do Whole 30, or no sugar, no processed foods, paleo, etc.
If you’re ordering for the first time use code SHAREYL to save 10%. I also am sending a diffuser to the first 3 to join the reset! Yes, a diffuser to replace all the candles! Let me know when you place your order and I will send you a diffuser. (stateside orders only)