It was early when I stopped at the kitchen window after chitty-chatting with Victoria this morning and noticed a leaning pine tree along our back fence row 

I was pleading with the Lord as I ran to the garage: “Please Lord, let me get out safely with his car.”
Of course his seat was so far away from the steering wheel that I felt I was sitting in the backseat and then the talk radio came on at the loudest megaphone setting; but there was no time to adjust or turn anything but the ignition. Pull it into drive and rocket out. 

It all happened so quick the seeing the leaning tree and the instinct to act quickly.
The LORD was so gracious, and as I process what I experienced today, I wonder what Angel was holding that white pine for me?
I parked his car right beside mine, thanked the Lord as I stepped onto the porch, snapped a picture and then decided to film a quick video in which the pine tree leaned on over and hit the garage. Click the link below to see the video of it falling.
I texted our tree guy in the next moment and he immediately called said he would be there within the hour. I went in and told the salesman what I had done and who was on the way. Yes, he had heard the loud Ca-bang.
The tree guy went ahead and cut the pine off of the garage while the wind was whipping around.

We were so very thankful. The Salesman then went on his way and I had seven minutes till my friend Donna‘s funeral. I drove down the street with no functioning street lights to hear our pastor talk about Jesus and how my sweet widow friend was a reflection of His beauty and grace.
You probably know her too – She was the one who played the piano for us at the luncheons. We also shared the same back row at church. She always leaned forward and gave the salesman and me a Sweet smile even when we would file in late to our pew. I could just picture her leaning forward and smiling at me as I slid in at the last minute to her funeral. The flood of my emotions in experiencing His ever-loving protection this morning broke loose like the dams in our area while the pastor was at the podium. People around – now they could’ve thought the Lord was really working on my heart; but they didn’t know that I had already been on a personal life saving adventure with the Lord today. When I returned home an hour later, I walked back to those roots that had been held in until I got the salesman‘s car out.
I knelt at the altar of the uprooted tree.

God graciously protected me today and I was eye level with the exposed roots and I told Him how thankful I was.

I found “the blessing” on YouTube and I think I sang as loud as the Salesman’s talk radio this morning.
My kneeling on the old stone wall that surrounds our landscaping moved to body upright and hands held high at times and then arms outstretched as I moved and worshipped freely at His footstool. My praise was mingled with tears of Thanksgiving and tears of praise.
The enemy was not allowed to phase
my Lord, He is the ancient of days
Great is the Lord, and greatly to be praised.
I choose praise even in the loss we experienced today.
I choose praise for allowing me to see and act quickly.
I choose Thanksgiving to the Lord for holding the roots in until I was able to get the car out.

Psalm 145: 3-5
“Great is the Lord, and greatly to be praised;
And His greatness is unsearchable.
One generation shall praise Your works to another,
And shall declare Your mighty acts.
I will meditate on the glorious splendor of Your majesty,
And on Your wondrous works”