It’s so timely with the new year and all the talk of goals, that this months Dwell Scripture memory verse is Philippians 4:13:
“I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus.”
In Jesus name, we press on!
Feel free to screenshot the words and memorize with me!

Philippians 4:13 makes me think of a song by the group Selah entitled PRESS ON. I want to share the lyrics with you:
“When the valley is deep
When the mountain is steep
When the body is weary
When we stumble and fall
When the choices are hard
When we’re battered and scarred
When we’ve spent our resources
When we’ve given our all
In Jesus’ name, we press on
In Jesus’ name, we press on
Dear Lord, with the prize
Clear before our eyes
We find the strength to press on
Dear Lord, with the prize
Clear before our eyes
We find the strength to press on
In Jesus’ name, we press on
In Jesus’ name, we press on
Dear Lord, with the prize
Clear before our eyes
We find the strength to press on
We find the strength to press on
To press on”
Amen! No matter where we are, we press on!