To those who are on my email list, you’ve already read about our girls trip- and seen a few pictures; but here are some more! And, good news: our Gwensie got to come home last night!
And, you are not going to believe this- I didn’t get one group picture before Vanderbilt- and after admission, it didn’t seem appropriate.
But the pictures taken capture the beauty that bloomed among angel friends.

A repeat for some – writing is how I process life:

You know how much I enjoy flowers, so I don’t mind the showers. The saying is a reminder that the unpleasant things of life (like rain in April) can bring about enjoyable things – like flowers.
This last week, some friends and I turned taking a friend to a doctor’s appointment at Vanderbilt into a girls trip. You could say we encountered a little rain when our friend was admitted to Vanderbilt hospital. She felt awful and kept apologizing for the turn of events. Her body was giving her incredible messages that something was going on and what better place to be. I believed she was at the right place at the right time. All the plans for celebrating her and making this fun trip turned into what you could say was “rain on our parade”. We chose to pull out the umbrellas and walk together through the rain of a hospital stay in a town four hours from home.
Though our well laid plans were washed away, the buds of friendship blossomed: