The Salesman wanted to take a walk after the temperature dropped a bit and we headed out round the neighborhood. I’d driven by these colorful clusters of lantana and couldn’t resist pausing to enjoy their multiple-colors-on-one-bloom-beauty up close. The beauty, and lessons of the Lord, are all around. Lantana flourishes in full sun. Me too. Shine on me, shine on us, Jesus. Beyond the curb there were weeds and a cigarette butt that I cropped out. Kinda like life too…we are going to encounter weeds that sprout up and people that act like that used up cigarette. It’s the reality of life. I choose to focus on the beauty along the path of life and crop out the rest. #FocusingOnGodIsBest #CropOutTheRest #BeautyWeedsAndButts #IfImGoingToFallInARut #IChooseABeautifulView #IHopeYouChooseThatToo #Poetry