Good morning, Mamas! I hope you had a great weekend!
As I was doing meal prep last night for the week, I thought about the baking mix that I was using as one of the ingredients in the waffles I was preparing. I thought about how the baking mix is a staple in many of the recipes that I use, and how I’d love to share the details about it with you. I enjoy sharing recipes!
There are a lot of baking mixes out there. When I grew up, Bisquick was a popular one. I remember making cheddar biscuits from a Bisquick mix. Does anyone out there remember Bisquick?
When I was first introduced to Trim Healthy Mama, I bought the baking blend mix from Trim Healthy Mama. And you can too, at this link: Trim Healthy Mama Baking Blend It’s also on sale right now! The THM Baking Blend is good and it is so convenient. And there is good information to read at the link above about the product; but when it is out of stock, it is nice to have a recipe to go to for all the Trim Healthy Mama recipes.
After searching for a while, I have found a good alternative baking mix that I can make at home. Briana Thomas shares her recipe here It is so easy – mix all five of the ingredients together! I usually put it in a gallon size bag and seal it and shake. Like Shake ‘n Bake from the Bisquick days “And, I helped!” Anyone remember that commercial?
After shaking well, I pour the mix in my labeled container of THM Baking Mix and go to town baking. I use the mix in waffles, breads, muffins, cakes, pancakes, cookies, desserts, etc. And I try to keep a container of this baking mix alternative ready to go to for recipes. You need a little bit less of this baking mix verses the Trim Healthy Mama baking blend. Briana explains it well on her website.
The baking blend mix is:
Gluten free
Low Carb
Low Fat
Sugar Free
Nut Free
Any other Mamas out there using this baking blend mix? Let me know. It is a staple in our Trim Healthy home now.
Two thumbs up!