The very week that Victoria flew to China, sixteen young woman started meeting in my home on Friday nights for small group. We had not planned to start the week she jetted out; but, due to the schedules of others, the start date needed to be pushed back by people other than me. In the spirit of being flexible, I agreed to the re-scheduling, and in the end, the timing could not have been more perfect. The fact that Victoria Leigh flew out on a Sunday and they arrived to begin the Bible study that Friday, was no coincidence to me. I have affectionately called them my Friday Night Lights.
And here we are again, ready to get started for another season, and as you can see by the picture, I am excited to have them back. Cue me closing my eyes and hugging their sweet young necks. They are darlin’, absolutely darlin’. Some don’t have sisters or family close by and my daughters are at a physical distance right now, so we are like puzzle pieces that fit and click right in place. I believe that the Lord has put us together for such a time as this. I love being a part of their lives. It’s been a season of releasing and missing my own beloved daughters; but, it has also been a season of embracing and welcoming these precious young ladies. Being a part of their lives has brought me so much joy. And yes, this is also the small group that keeps me doing fun activities like 5k’s and gives me the opportunity to be a mermaid when they pool sit and sometimes, they have been known to keep me up way later than my normal memaw hours. These young ladies are are light and beauty to me.
You can see the mutual love of friendship. Great group to be a part of!!!