Exactly one year ago, I took this picture of lilies in front of my favorite piece of art. Not much has changed, has it?! One year later, and I’m still enjoying flowers and art!
This last week I shared a story about some items that were special to me in year-round decorating; but, had special meaning for Christmas. It included this beautiful artwork that hung in my mama’s home when she was growing up. It has always been special to me because it belonged to her family and because of the subject being from the Luke 2 story of Jesus being presented to God in the temple. The piece is titled, Behold, my eyes have seen Thy salvation. I have it in my dining room currently. It is a year round piece that holds special, and spiritual, significance. And don’t you just know that if Christmas card pictures were a thing back then, Simeon could have had a really good one.
Seriously, it is beautiful to me. So much promise and hope and Truth and glory to come in the picture.
Behold, my eyes have seen Thy salvation.
Simeon not only waited for the consolation of Isreal, when he saw Him, he picked Him up and held Him in his arms.
Oh, that we could take the gift of Jesus into our arms like Simeon.
Jesus came to this world as a gift to you and me. I pray that when you see Him, like Simeon, we would go to Him, and see Him as our salvation, and then cradle the love of God sent as a tiny babe, and rest in faith and the Hope and Love of God that we can go in peace because of Him.
Behold, my eyes have seen Thy salvation.
May our eyes, and hearts, behold Him, our salvation.