Happy weekend, friends! I'm reflecting on a late night adventure I took with Victoria Leigh among the bright, big lights of the ferris wheel and the stunning beauty of a vintage looking merry go round.Look up, my friends! There is beauty all around us. ... Read More about For the Love of Lamp Lights – Ferris Wheel and a Merry Go Round
Rocket Man Rocketed Me
Earlier this month, I saw the movie Rocketman about the English singer/songwriter/creative musical genius Elton John, and the movie seemed to strike a match and light the fire that had become embers under my creative soul. I left the theater feeling that I'd hibernated long past winter and was waking up and stretching to the stirrings of a new season of creativity and coming out of the cave that I had been asleep in for far too long. This post is my attempt to share how Rocketman, ... Read More about Rocket Man Rocketed Me
Trim Healthy Mama Carrot Cake Deluxe Review
Good morning, Mamas! Happy Monday! It's the start to a new week! A new week means a new calendar page to me. It's like a fresh start even though it is the last week of the month! Anyone else out there who enjoys planning and organizing? Every Sunday evening, I meal plan and prep according to our weekly calendars. It really helps to make a plan and then operate with being flexible, of course, because we all know that not everything goes according to plan; but, a plan ... Read More about Trim Healthy Mama Carrot Cake Deluxe Review
For the Love of Lamp Lights – My Mom
To be held by a mother is a beautiful, beauty filled feelingBut when she is gone, footing can become unsure at times, and leave us reeling.However, I am filled beyond my feelingsMy Future, my Hope, is firm, not reeling.Because I believe she is more alive today than she ever had beenThere is a Hope that staves off sadness, and rises deep within.And I sing:How great my mother's love for meHow vast beyond my sadnessThat she lives eternallyFills my void with gladnessHow great my mother's love for ... Read More about For the Love of Lamp Lights – My Mom
Trim Healthy Mama Mango Creamsicles Review
Mention a popsicle or creamsicle and it makes me think of my childhood. The thoughts take me back to my mom's sunny yellow kitchen, and my brother and I waiting for Mom to pull the Tupperware popsicle molds from the freezer with a cool and refreshing treat for a hot summer day. We might have been told to close the freezer door a time or two because we needed to wait for them to chill. Cue today; the heat index is high and the cicadas are humming loudly while sitting on the back porch ... Read More about Trim Healthy Mama Mango Creamsicles Review