Is it even possible to separate the ever popular cartoon character, Popeye, and spinach? Popeye the sailor man got his strength from eating his spinach and Trim Healthy Mama, if you are needing a boost of strength, Popeye's Power Soup is for you!Leafy green spinach is an excellent source of fiber, vitamins, and minerals. Like kale, I think of spinach as a powerhouse of nutrition. Spinach is high in vitamin K1. I remember this fact easily because it was one vegetable I had to monitor ... Read More about Trim Healthy Mama Popeye’s Power Soup Review
For the Love of Lamp Lights – St Mary’s Hospital
This hospital opened in 1930 in the middle of the depression, and just last year, closed its doors.The entrance doorway is spectacular: the brick, stone, wood, glass and brass.The lamp lights are sturdy and majestic flanking either side of the doors.There were many religious artifacts housed within the hospital:And areas with ceilings worthy of being in a museum:Sacred art was on the walls:When my dad was a patient there, I'd take him on walks to enjoy the beauty outside his room.Though he ... Read More about For the Love of Lamp Lights – St Mary’s Hospital
Trim Healthy Mama Bust-A-Myth Banana Cake Review
Have you been avoiding bananas because they are high in carbohydrates? After The Salesman's diabetes diagnosis, I did some research and found out they were high in carbohydrates, sugar, etc., and decided to avoid buying them for his sake. Well, not anymore, Mamas! The Bust-A-Myth Banana Cake will have you incorporating bananas back into your diet in a way that won't spike blood sugar. Not only is this recipe healthy, and easy-peasy to make, it is moist and delicious. The ... Read More about Trim Healthy Mama Bust-A-Myth Banana Cake Review
For the Love of Lamp Lights – The Omni Homestead Resort
The Lamp Lights here are welcoming, and glowing, at the simple, yet grand, white festooned entrance. It is as if they are bidding us to walk through on the old brick pavers, to be greeted by three more lighted hanging lanterns in the columned corridor. And isn't it lovely that we can see light at the end? And then, there is another opening, a door, to more.There is beauty all around us, welcoming us, bidding us to enter in and enjoy. I'm drinking in the beauty today. Won't you ... Read More about For the Love of Lamp Lights – The Omni Homestead Resort
Trim Healthy Mama Donuts Review
Welcome to Donut Land...Do you hear angels singing? Well, I do. The Salesman approves these donuts, and I must say, Trim Healthy Mama Donut Land is delicious! The Salesman use to be a connoisseur of store bought donuts, so to know that he likes this Trim Healthy Mama recipe, you should know that it is really good. Did anyone celebrate National Doughnut Day this month? Well, if you are a Trim Healthy Mama, you can celebrate any day with these guilt-free, delicious Trim Healthy Donuts ... Read More about Trim Healthy Mama Donuts Review