Since the beginning of the year, I've been reading through the book of Psalms. Each day the LORD meets me on the pages of HIS written word and speaks directly to me. When I read chapter 103, verse four started off so familiar to me. Many times I've read or heard the beginning of the verse:"Who redeems your life from the pit and corruption"or another version states:"Who redeems your life from destruction"And it was easy for me to say, yes and amen to that, because the LORD has done that in my ... Read More about The Rest of the Story
Searching for The One
This last week, I decided that I wanted to put new planters and flowers at our front entrance. I did a lot of searching for just the right planter, topiaries and flowers. It took several trips to Home Depot and Lowes; but I found exactly what I wanted. I knew in my mind what I was searching for, and I knew when I found the right flowers and plants.Song of Solomon 3:4 declares: "I have found The One whom my soul loves…" We can do a lot of searching, go many places, encounter different ... Read More about Searching for The One
Draw Me and a Drawing
My Scripture memory verse is Song of Solomon 1:4a:The Salesman and I went to a marriage seminar at our church last weekend. It was really encouraging. On Sunday morning, the speaker shared this verse and I knew immediately that I wanted it to be my next memory verse.This summer, the Salesman and I, will celebrate 27 years of marriage! We are living proof that GOD is truly in the miracle business!Once again, the beautiful and talented Victoria Leigh of Danger Does Designs created ... Read More about Draw Me and a Drawing
Memories and Scripture Memory
Some of my favorite pieces of artwork are ones that the children made when they were little. The heart pictured above is one that Victoria's young hands made. Every February, I put it on an easel and display it on the dining room buffet. I love what she wrote on the heart: Only Jesus can fill your heart - so true. That GOD sized hole is in all our hearts, and no matter what we try to fill that hole with: people, money, fame, success, food, material possessions, knowledge, ... Read More about Memories and Scripture Memory
“And I will be the glory in her midst” A Verse and a Visual
'For I,' declares the LORD, 'will be a wall of fire around her, and I will be the glory in her midst.' Zechariah 2:5 NASI am doing the Siesta Scripture Memory Team at the with many of my friends. I would love to have you join us in memorizing The Word. We memorize a verse on the 1st and the 15th of the month and by the end of the year, we have learned 24 new verses! Do you all memorize Scripture? If so, do you use a certain method to memorize? ... Read More about “And I will be the glory in her midst” A Verse and a Visual