We have recently moved to town after years in the country. When I saw my desk totally empty and in it's new spot, I thought it depicted how I had felt the last few years. I felt empty, like my desk. I felt there was no good thing to share.But, the lamp light is still on, praise The LORD! I find myself ever-so-thankful that in sunshine and sorrow,Whatever we face on the eve of a new tomorrow,The LORD, HE is always there.HE listens. HE loves. HE cares.The Lamp of the ... Read More about The Lamp Light is still On
The Richest Memories are tied with Heart Strings
Greetings dear ones. It has been quite a while since the keyboard and my heart got together here to share. To say that much has been going on in an understatement. I pray that you and your families are well. Believing that I'll be back here soon, because GOD is stirring my heart with much, I decided to re-post this sweet memory of our first married Christmas together, which now, is 26 years ago! The joy of CHRIST to you and your families:When my Baby wore this apron that my ... Read More about The Richest Memories are tied with Heart Strings
TRUE – Five Minute Friday
Many pairs of shoes inside the front door make my heart happy. Some slid neatly off and paired together, some thrown off and in various locations in the front room; but it doesn't matter - just seeing them makes me smile.True.I've been away from the keyboard and blogging for almost two years. Away so long that I couldn't even remember my sign in. I've slid back in by joining the FMF party; but no explanation giving for my absence. Not that you need one; but True needs one. ... Read More about TRUE – Five Minute Friday
Joining Lisa-Jo Baker again this week!She...There are many She's in the Word whose names are not known;But what a story each She must have (and I want to hear) in our eternal home:She was a:wifesistermothermaiddaughterwise womanmusiciannursewoman with an issuewidowwoman at the wellI wonder if She's names in eternity HE will tell?LORD,Thank you for making each and every She.And thank You for making me.May Your name and Your fameBe what this She proclaims.Amen. ... Read More about She
MERCYWhen I read Lisa Jo's prompt, I thought of an acrostic: Mending EveryWRong Cry with YouThe last twenty four hours have brought out an angst, a frustration and irritation in me. Mercy has not described my heart. And not only did I have the opposite of mercy in me, I shared my feelings, with fervor, to those whom I love dearly and live within the four walls of my home. (Head hanging)But just when the conviction of sin comes, and I acknowledge it, His Mercy washes over ... Read More about Mercy