Truth is I have at least two beautiful reasons today to make a social media post and as I toss them around in my mind, the Spirit seems to lead me toward a second installment of the *Real and Fake* series that I didn't even realize it was a series till He leads me this way again and the Blondie in me realizes that The Lord Himself has me in a reality series of my own life... So how better to process it than to roll on some Frankincense oil and think how frankincense was brought as a gift to ... Read More about The Real, The Fake, and the Chicken wanted what was on her plate
Scripture Memory Team 2021 – Verse 4
Happy April the 1st and Happy Scripture Memory Team Day! No joke about it, we are here to tuck the Truth of God's eternal Word in our hearts and minds. . I've just finished up a month long series of A-Z Scripture Affirmations. It was such an encouraging month because mining the Scriptures for truth about who we are in Christ and then speaking it as an affirmation has been so encouraging. Memorizing Scripture is helpful in living out the Word, will, and ways of God. . The first of the month ... Read More about Scripture Memory Team 2021 – Verse 4
Fake flowers, a Fake blonde & Fake holding spots
I bought a beautiful, real, pink flowering hydrangea plant today at Aldi. It seems proper that I report this purchase because my normal routine is not to buy the flowers; but to only pause to smell, and enjoy the flowers, and take a picture, and then move on to fill my cart with the grocery items that are on the list. It is significant that you know that I bought a real live flowering plant because it is linked to a larger-than-life display of fake flowers that I happened upon a week ago ... Read More about Fake flowers, a Fake blonde & Fake holding spots
Meet in the Middle – Where his brown blanket and my grey one meet
I woke up early enough to feed chickens, if we had chickens. It was too early to even think of moving from underneath the warm and cozy covers on my side of the bed, so I nestled closer to The Salesman who has his own brown blanket on his side of the bed. It's a blanket he bought on a business trip when he needed it and he may have become a bit like Linus in where it now goes with him. In July, it went with him from the bed, to my car turned ambulance that deposited him at the ER. The ... Read More about Meet in the Middle – Where his brown blanket and my grey one meet
Scripture Memory Team 2021 – Verse 3
Happy March 1st and Happy Scripture Memory Team day! Hoorah! I am excited to be memorizing Truth with my friends. Before we march on to our new verse, I want to type my February verse from memory: "For you were once darkness; but now you are light in the Lord, live as children of Light." Ephesians 5:8 I did it! Yay! The Dwell Differently way of memorizing Scripture works! Dwell sends you a creative graphic with the first letter of each word of the verse in the picture and it makes ... Read More about Scripture Memory Team 2021 – Verse 3