Twice this last week when I was questioning the LORD about a certain topic, a song lyric came to my mind. When I say questioning - it's just what I do with the LORD prayer, I ask Him why, or when, or how some *thing* is going to work out - I felt kind of like I was asking the 5 W's: the who, what, when, where, and why. There are just times when I read the Word or pray and have questions. This I can say with certainty, the LORD always listens. The song lyrics that came to my ... Read More about Asking questions and finding Answers in Songs and Psalms
Trim Healthy Mama ‘Mazing Marshmallows Recipe & Review
Last week I thought I heard The Salesman say that he wanted marshmallows, only to find out after I'd made a healthy version, that he told me he was talking about a marshmallow that had a chocolate covering... Not only do these little squares taste amazing, or 'mazing, and satisfy your sweet tooth, they are naturally sweetened, made with healthy ingredients, and gentle on blood sugar levels. I don't know why I delayed in making these marshmallows for so long. With only seven ingredients, ... Read More about Trim Healthy Mama ‘Mazing Marshmallows Recipe & Review
Finding Beauty in Every Face & Place – A grain of wheat
This week on my walk to take the trash out, I found this stalk of wheat in the front yard and thought it was beautiful. I put down my trash bag and marveled at the beauty of the single stalk and wondered how it ended up in our yard. As I looked at the stalk, it made me think of John 12:24: "Truly, truly, I say to you, unless a grain of wheat falls into the earth and dies, it remains alone; but if it dies, it bears much fruit." Beauty in dying. Yes, there is beauty in dying. The ... Read More about Finding Beauty in Every Face & Place – A grain of wheat
Scripture Memory Team – Verse 12
Friends, we have made it to our 12th verse! I am so excited to start off the month of September with a new Scripture memory verse! But, before we get to that, let's review our 11th verse. I will go first in typing it from memory, right here, live on the blog! Psalm 116:7 Return to your rest, My soul, For the LORD has been good to you! Psalm 116:7 Alrighty, let's see how I did... Oh, my goodness, I got it! WooHoo!!! How about you? How did you do with your verse this time? If ... Read More about Scripture Memory Team – Verse 12
Lora’s Marinara Sauce
Wasn't I just talking about putting dates on my recipes last week? Well, this original Lora recipe is dated...12-1-1995 and it looks like it has been around that long! The piece of paper I penned it on has splashes of tomatoes and sauce all over it like any good recipe would. Back when we lived in the Carolinas I created this recipe to make sauce with the oodles of tomatoes we would have delivered by "Walter" long before delivery services were the rage. Now, for those who are new here, ... Read More about Lora’s Marinara Sauce