Friends, we have made it to our 12th verse! I am so excited to start off the month of September with a new Scripture memory verse! But, before we get to that, let's review our 11th verse. I will go first in typing it from memory, right here, live on the blog! Psalm 116:7 Return to your rest, My soul, For the LORD has been good to you! Psalm 116:7 Alrighty, let's see how I did... Oh, my goodness, I got it! WooHoo!!! How about you? How did you do with your verse this time? If ... Read More about Scripture Memory Team – Verse 12
Lora’s Marinara Sauce
Wasn't I just talking about putting dates on my recipes last week? Well, this original Lora recipe is dated...12-1-1995 and it looks like it has been around that long! The piece of paper I penned it on has splashes of tomatoes and sauce all over it like any good recipe would. Back when we lived in the Carolinas I created this recipe to make sauce with the oodles of tomatoes we would have delivered by "Walter" long before delivery services were the rage. Now, for those who are new here, ... Read More about Lora’s Marinara Sauce
Finding beauty in every face and place – Tractors in town
I'm a small town girl driving down my city street today on my way back from an appointment and I saw tractors baling hay in a small field on our street. I had to do a double take, because we live in the city! Our beautiful street is lined with mostly historic homes in our town. After years of growing up in the country, and even living in the country recently, I really do enjoy the convenience of living in the city. Most of my growing up years were lived out in the rural route two area of ... Read More about Finding beauty in every face and place – Tractors in town
If Bessie Grandma could see me now, she’d say “Now Lora”
The buffet drawer that holds oodles of aprons was packed; but, I searched till my hand lit on one of the most colorful patchwork patterned, little half aprons that Bessie Grandma had given me. Bessie is The Salesman's paternal grandmother, alive with Jesus forever, amen. If you've been here long, you know that I adore my grandparents, and really enjoy older people in general. Older and wiser folk have always impacted me in such a positive way, and Bessie, was a strong influencer in my life. My ... Read More about If Bessie Grandma could see me now, she’d say “Now Lora”
Fresh Basil Pesto
When I smelled the fresh basil that Cynthia delivered, I knew immediately that I wanted to make fresh basil pesto. Oh, pesto is one of my all time favorites! When we lived in the country, basil was one of the herbs I grew in my little city garden after we had the real country garden fiasco. You know how the thought of a certain food can remind you of people or places? When I think of pesto, I immediately think of two friends, Yolanda and Sister Lynn, who I believe enjoy pesto as much as I ... Read More about Fresh Basil Pesto