Mamas, if you haven't made the Trim Healthy Mama Crispy, Crunchy Okra, you have to go make it! It is delicious! And The Salesman approves! I think your pickiest eater would like the THM Crispy, Crunchy Okra.As a Trim Healthy Mama, we have been known to use okra as a secret ingredient in other recipes to get the health benefits; but there is no hiding any okra here. Okra it is and Okra is it. I marveled when I took it out of the oven at how much it ... Read More about Trim Healthy Mama Crispy, Crunchy Okra Review
Transformation Tuesday – The Salesman is down 19 pounds!
A few months ago, The Salesman decided to try a natural product that is improving his health. He has been using Slique CitraSlim, a product that supports healthy weight management. It features a two-capsule formulation in a convenient dual-serving daily packet. He takes two in the morning and the second pack around 3pm in the afternoon. As with any plan, you are encouraged to exercise and have a balanced diet. There are healthy foods here at the house for him to choose from; but, he is on ... Read More about Transformation Tuesday – The Salesman is down 19 pounds!
For the Love of Lamp Lights – Hutong in Beijing, China
Happy weekend, friends! I'm always on the lookout for beauty - the natural, the manmade, the ever clear and abundant displays that are before me. While strolling along one evening in a hutong with Victoria Leigh and Thomas, her friend, my eyes were drawn up to this beautiful vignette.Though the electric lamp light is diffused, it drew my gaze up to see a large hand-crafted example of Chinese knotting. I love that lamp light allows us to see. Because of a light that is ... Read More about For the Love of Lamp Lights – Hutong in Beijing, China
The Yes of No
I don't mind the wintry morning temperatures and am even willing to brave them, in fact, I may be eager to brave them. I do love to go and do and the chill does not discourage my drive. The Salesman jokes me about having a butterfly tattoo - which I don't - just for the record. For as much as he is content with being at home, I love to go. I've had an event on my calendar for today that has been written in pen, not just penciled in, for weeks. I was so certain ... Read More about The Yes of No
Trim Healthy Mama Creamy Bean, Bacon, and Butternut Soup Review
I've made two pots of soup this week. It just seemed the perfect thing to do with the cold winter winds swirling outside for me to be inside, apron clad, and simmering soup on the cooktop. I will tell you, it was a good plan because meals are done for several days! And there is just something therapeutic about getting out my red dutch oven, or crockpot, and adding ingredients to make a delicious soup to serve my family and friends. It probably goes back to my ... Read More about Trim Healthy Mama Creamy Bean, Bacon, and Butternut Soup Review