Happy start of the weekend!My young friends have talked me into more fun activities in this last year than I could've ever imagined. Last week it was a 5K, the first one I've ever done. If you want to feel young, I recommend young friends! These young women have so much energy and zest for life. The sixteen young women that showed up my life, and home, in the very week that Victoria Leigh sailed to China, have turned into a larger group that becomes ever dearer to my ... Read More about For the Love of Lamp Lights – The Sun and The Young
If you didn’t dance on the table, I’m not concerned
I recently re-read Secrets and Shame Don't Survive on the Porch by my friend Fran Thomas and have not been able to get it off the back burner of my mind. Go read it. Fran posted it back in the summer but it came to my mind again this last week. She is spot on with talking about all the feelings of being transparent and vulnerable. I so relate with Fran's post because growing up we didn't always talk about *things* that were on our hearts and minds. We were more like stuffers, if you know ... Read More about If you didn’t dance on the table, I’m not concerned
Trim Healthy Mama Cheeseburger Soup Review
The Trim Healthy Mama Cheeseburger Soup is one of the very first dishes that I tried when Audra Elizabeth made it here at the house four years ago. Four years ago...said like I think I'm a pro, right? Well, although I don't consider myself a pro, I certainly enjoy trying healthy new recipes. When Audra Elizabeth was a regular around here, she would make delicious food, and there were several of us that would gladly be taste testers. I remember volunteering ... Read More about Trim Healthy Mama Cheeseburger Soup Review
For the Love of Lamp Lights – French Mansard Stye
Happy Holidays! This French mansard style home we visited, is beautifully decorated for the holidays and just welcomes you in.The Christmas decorations were elegant. And I am guessing that the lamp lights are original to the house that was built in 1969.I hope you have a wonderful weekend. And I hope that you find beauty all around you. ... Read More about For the Love of Lamp Lights – French Mansard Stye
Anger is a Weight
I'm reflecting on words that I'd heard a while back and penned in my journal. As I'm preparing for a speaking event next week, I've found myself re-reading some of my notes and came across a page that was tucked in between speaking notes. At first, I thought these words have nothing to do with the topic that I am preparing; but the more I re-read the words, I think it may be right on topic. I've been asked to share my journey of getting rid of 100 plus pounds of weight. ... Read More about Anger is a Weight