Happy weekend, friends!Looking up at lovely floral detail on this lamp light. I hope every detail of your weekend is wonderful.Look up, my friends! There is beauty all around us. ... Read More about For the Love of Lamp Lights – G & G Interiors
Do I ever really want to go to the gym?
I've been thinking lately about what matters to me the most. I've been having all these conversations in my head about what is really important to me. What people, activities, and dreams are truly important to me? Then I thought of the *Big Rocks* illustration, the one showing a vase, or container, of your day being filled with the big rocks (the things that matter to you) first before all the little pebbles (the things that come your way) fill up the time of your day. Then you ... Read More about Do I ever really want to go to the gym?
Trim Healthy Mama Mint Chocolate Truffle Cake Review
Have you heard the saying, "If you can't say something good, don't say anything at all?" Well, I think that is really good advice, and I honestly try to live by that. I want to be the person that sees the best, hopes the best, and believes the best. However...If you are doing a recipe review, you want the honest truth, and here it is from me:This is the first Trim Healthy Mama recipe that I did not like. However...Since I want to say something good about the recipe, and I ... Read More about Trim Healthy Mama Mint Chocolate Truffle Cake Review
For the Love of Lamp Lights – An Amazing Thrifted Crystal Lamp
Happy weekend, friends! I hope you have a relaxing weekend ahead of you! It is going to be a relatively quiet one around here. One thing that I know I need to do this weekend is decide on a lamp shade! And there is a little story to go along with that. And maybe, just maybe, you can add your lamp shade advice at the end! Here's the scoop:I was a bit early meeting a couple of my mermaid friends for dinner and swimming and decided to run in a thrift store for a ... Read More about For the Love of Lamp Lights – An Amazing Thrifted Crystal Lamp
When the Speaker can’t Speak
Recently, I went to a banquet for Hidden Treasures Academy, and was having the most delightful time visiting with new and old friends, but when it came to the Honor and Recognition segment of the program, the school founder read some very nice sentiments about the Circle of Honor Award recipient. I had no idea it was me until she read my name.I cried all the way to the microphone and back. Yes, that is what happens when a speaker gets an award...I couldn't speak! As the tears flowed, ... Read More about When the Speaker can’t Speak