I will never forget the day we were gathered around the dinner table with all of The Salesman's family and my youngest, who at that stage in her toddler life was perched in a high chair, spied the hot-from-the-oven biscuits that had been placed all too close to her high chair and cried out:"Bisss...cut!" Well, most of us around the table were in agreement that the royal toddler needed to eat her nutritious veggies first; but as soon as one cry got out, she would again let ... Read More about Trim Healthy Mama Cheesy Flower Biscuits
For the Love of Lamp Lights – Bliss
Look up, my friends!There is beauty all around us.Enjoy your weekend.Picture:West Town Mall outing with Audra to buy her some new clothes. She insisted that she didn't need anything. I came home with the most beautiful sparkly pair of earrings (and a bracelet). ... Read More about For the Love of Lamp Lights – Bliss
Birthday Month
'Tis the time of year when I rememberThough their lives have now endedI am so thankful for them both.Parents are gifts.If you have your parents with you here on earth, embrace them.If they have gone on to heaven, give thanks, they will be seen again.Mom and Dad,In the month of your birth,I value you and honor your worth.While here, you did your very best.Now for eternity, your souls are at rest.I miss you.I do.But with thanksgiving,I will joyfully keep living and giving.Following your example ... Read More about Birthday Month
Trim Healthy Mama Lemon Cream Chicken Review
Life is not giving me lemons, but I am certainly in a lemon-loving season! My last Trim Healthy Mama post was reviewing a lemon recipe Boosted Frozen Lemonade, and today, I am reviewing another lemon based recipe. The lemon flavor seems especially tasty and refreshing these last hot days of summer. It has been sweltering here in east Tennessee. Our lush green grass is turning shades of brown and the ground seems parched as I water plants and flowers. Do you like lemon? I have ... Read More about Trim Healthy Mama Lemon Cream Chicken Review
For the Love of Lamp Lights – Barclay Galleries New York
When in New York, we walk and enjoy seeing the architecture and lamp lights. I'm not a fan of just going shopping, but I do enjoy some of the beautiful window displays in New York City. Barclay Galleries window display drew me into their store. And while The Salesman visited with the store owners, I toured the quaint gallery and saw many one-of-a-kind lamps and unique treasures. Once inside, inviting antique chandeliers and estate artwork welcome you to come up higher.Exquisite ... Read More about For the Love of Lamp Lights – Barclay Galleries New York