In talking with my friend Konnie this last week, she told me she was jealous. I was shocked at her directness and asked her what ever did she mean? I mean, Konnie is rocking her life and is a gifted and lovely mama in a very active season of life. Konnie and I don't chat on a weekly basis; but I was refreshed by her directness and was curious why she would say this because, well, sometimes I don't always think the most positive thoughts about my life and the activities that surround ... Read More about You are loved. You are wanted. You are welcome.
Trim Healthy Mama Boosted Frozen Lemonade
I'm sure you've heard the proverbial phrase: When life gives you lemons, make lemonade. If life, or a friend or family member, has not given you lemons, I encourage you to go out and buy lemons and make the Trim Healthy Mama Boosted Frozen Lemonade. You are going to want to buy many lemons because this Trim Healthy Mama recipe is so delicious and refreshing! You will want to make it more than once.The days are still very warm here, and this sweet all day sipper is ... Read More about Trim Healthy Mama Boosted Frozen Lemonade
I can remember the words she spoke that day as if it were as clear as this morning. We were sitting in the living room on the long tufted back couch that used to be my mom's, just Victoria Leigh and me. As Victoria started to speak, I turned to my head to the right to fully see her, and I heard the words that still seem to hang in the air here today:"Mom, I still plan to go to law school; but I'd like to spend the next five to seven years traveling to foreign countries and teaching ... Read More about Releasing
Trim Healthy Mama Mia Meatloaf Review
Mama Mia! Pizzeria! This Italian-style meatloaf is one of the best Trim Healthy Mama recipes that I have made! While it is baking, your kitchen will smell like a pizzeria, and when you sit to enjoy the meatloaf, you will find it tasty and flavorful. The Trim Healthy Mama Mia Meatloaf is Salesman approved. He has been known to ask for seconds of this one. Now granted, since his heart attack a little over a year ago, we don't eat much red meat. After his heart attack he was told ... Read More about Trim Healthy Mama Mia Meatloaf Review
For the Love of Lamp Lights – New York City
One of my favorite places in the United States is New York City. Strolling the busy streets, enjoying the architecture of the picturesque neighborhoods never ceases to amaze me. There is so much beauty to appreciate in the brownstones, the art deco buildings, and the Victorian homes. I'm always looking up for amazing lamp lights, and this one, from a walk near Central Park, is one of my absolute all time favorites.There is so much beauty all around us.Look up, my friends! ... Read More about For the Love of Lamp Lights – New York City